My First Sit Ski
Since I was in junior high I have been involved in various sports off and on. One of those sports that I came to love early on is downhill skiing. I was encouraged to learn to ski by my physical education … Continued
Since I was in junior high I have been involved in various sports off and on. One of those sports that I came to love early on is downhill skiing. I was encouraged to learn to ski by my physical education … Continued
One of the benefits of coming to California is that I get to see my Aunt Connie and Uncle Odie. Living 3500 miles away that doesn’t happen very often so my last trip and this one I made sure to … Continued
Today is the 100th birthday of the United States National Park System and so I have been thinking about all the life-changing experiences I have had in the national parks just in the past year. I have to admit I … Continued
I am trying to make my blog better and more interesting for the people that follow what I am doing. In the process, I have been looking around the internet to see what others are doing and came across a … Continued
It’s hard to believe I started flying 10 years ago. If you look at pictures from my childhood you will see that I have always loved airplanes. There is one of me at Loring Air Force Base sitting by a … Continued