Kids Say and Do the Darndest Things!

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Over the years being a wheelchair user, I have heard all the comments and questions imaginable.  While some people don’t like being asked about their disability, I actually welcome the opportunity to pass on some knowledge.  I believe the more people know the fewer people will see someone using a wheelchair and have the usual thoughts.  These thoughts seem to range from pity to inspiration and everything in between. Kids though say some of the funniest things ever.  It is amazing to hear their perspective on things. I always love when a kid isn’t afraid to ask the big question. Why are you in that thing? I believe that if you don’t ask questions you will never know the answers. If people aren’t willing to give the answers than perspectives will never change. I know some people don’t particularly like being asked and that is ok too.  We all approach things differently I just choose to spread as much knowledge as I can in the hopes that it may change things later on. These are some of the BIG questions I have had other the years.  Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures for this post since most of these stories are from a time when there was no such thing as a selfie. Can you believe that?

Swimming in Deep Water

My family and I were camping and needed supplies.  My dad and I went to the local grocery store and were strolling around the store looking for things.  All of a sudden I came to a complete stop.  I looked down and a 3-year-old boy was standing there grasping the frame of my wheelchair.  I smiled and said “Hi my name is Enock. What’s yours?” I believe I later found out his name was Jake.  He looked at me as serious as could be and exclaimed: ” You can’t swim in deep water!”. He literally yelled it haha.  I started to explain that I actually could swim with a life jacket on and then went on to explain why my legs don’t work. His mom walked up and apologized and as always I said that’s ok if he doesn’t ask questions he will never know the answers. Jake and I became great friends throughout the rest of that shopping trip.  He followed me all over the store like a puppy.  He even tried to follow me out the door haha.  His mom, of course, was not far behind and I didn’t mind. I took it as an opportunity to change the perspective of a future adult.


Admired from Afar

I went clothes shopping with my mom one day and as we were navigating our way down the aisles of clothes I noticed the clothes kept parting and little kids face would poke through. I didn’t let on that I saw him until we came to the end and he was busted. Nowhere to go and had to talk to me. I said Hi as I usually do and introduced myself.  He didn’t hesitate a second and very pointedly asked why are you in that thing?  I explained that it was a wheelchair and that my legs don’t work. This is how I move around as you do with your legs. Satisfied with the answer he just walked away without saying a word haha. His mom thanked me for taking the time to explain.

Whispers in the Day

I often will hear kids asking their parents why is he in that thing or something to that effect.  The parent will either explain the best they can or tell them to be quiet.  Most of the time I will immediately spin around and introduce myself.  I will take the time to get to know the child’s name and explain to them that when I was born my back was hurt. My brain can’t talk to my legs to tell them to work. So I use a wheelchair to move around like they do with their legs. The parents usually thank me for taking the time and then I move on.

Ride Alongs

On many occasions, I have given kids ride alongs. Kids love to ride the wheelchair. I will usually do a short wheelie show and spin around and then ask if they want to try it. The most fun part is seeing their reaction when I pull a wheelie and they get that feeling of whoa. I will put the wheels back down and they almost always ask me to do it again haha.  I hope in the process they end up not seeing it as something bad but something that makes life possible and can even be fun. They also love to push me for some reason which I never turn down a free ride haha. I can be the perfect babysitter.

Closing Thoughts

I wonder if we all just took the time to answer each other’s questions. how might that change the world?  Instead of being defensive what if we were open, honest and inviting to everyone. I know sometimes it can be difficult to open yourself up to a stranger and sometimes we just want to be treated like everyone else. What if we show and tell the world we are like everyone else? We just navigate our lives differently others. In the end, we are all different but actually quite the same.

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